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Top Features to Look for in a Tenant Portal in Dallas, Fort Worth

Top Features to Look for in a Tenant Portal in Dallas, Fort Worth

In recent years, finding good tenants in Fort Worth has become a challenge. This is a key reason why the city now has an eviction problem.

Of course, evictions aren't always solely the tenant's fault. If you're offering a solid rental experience, your tenants will be more likely to meet your demands. One way to make this possible is to have a good tenant portal.

Not sure what an online portal should look like? Here's a quick list of key features your platform of choice needs to have!

Easy Communication

One of the key tenant portal benefits is streamlining communication. A portal allows tenants to inquire about lease terms, submit maintenance requests, and so on. This reduces the need for phone calls or in-person visits.

Meanwhile, landlords can use the portal to provide real-time updates. For this to work, your platform should have a robust messaging system. Having a user-friendly interface also helps improve the experience.

Online Rent Payments

You can also use an online portal to allow tenants to make rent payments. For tenants, this eliminates the need to write checks or visit you in person. This both saves time and reduces the risk of mistakes.

For best results, your platform should support automated reminders. That way, you'll ensure your tenants will stay on top of their responsibilities. You should also be able to track these payments in real-time.

Good Tenant Experience

As far as key tenant portal tips go, offering an enhanced tenant experience is high on the list. This is why your portal should offer a variety of self-service options, from accessing information to making inquiries.

You can also use your property management software to set up tenant appreciation programs. This helps create a sense of community, which is essential come lease renewal time.

Streamlined Accounting

Are you using rental management tools to keep track of your accounting? If the answer is yes, you can integrate them with your online portal. Doing so will reduce the amount of data entry, saving you time and effort.

Integrating a portal with your accounting software also ensures accuracy in reporting. This will make it easier to track your income and expenses, allowing you to make informed financial decisions.

Improved Transparency

These days, all online tenant services need to offer transparency. This will help you establish trust and promote communication with tenants. A resident portal can make this possible in several different ways.

That's why your portal should allow tenants access to their payment history. This allows them to track their obligations. In a similar vein, you should allow them to review lease agreements, pet policies, and so on.

Start Using a Tenant Portal Today!

As you can see, a tenant portal offers benefits to both tenants and landlords. Of course, this is only true if your portal includes the right features. The above guide will help you remember what to look out for!

Interested in professional property management services in Fort Worth? At Red Team Real Estate, we use an online portal that gives tenants all the tools they need to make their stay comfortable. Contact us here to learn more!
